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Accueil > Blog > Sciences > Differential Equations. An invitation through embedded visual interactive (…)

Differential Equations. An invitation through embedded visual interactive digital experiments.

mardi 7 février 2017

L’eBook génératif écrit avec Jean-René Chazottes traitant de la théorie qualitative des équations différentielles est enfin disponible (par ici). Il intègre +60 expériences numériques interactives. Cédric Villani nous a fait l’amitié d’écrire la préface. En voici un extrait :

« ... Going through all these jewels, tapping and stroking the pad as I was testing this ebook, I felt some jealousy for the students who would enjoy this experience and see differential equations coming into life ; a little bit as I felt jealous for my kids when they were discovering classical geometry with GeoGebra. Indeed, this is exactly the same kind of experience that Chazottes and Monticelli are offering you : no magical recipe to make you an expert, but a way to feel and grasp the concepts in a beautifully interactive, flexible and playful way. »

Voir en ligne : Generative eBooks